
Saturday, June 12, 2010

We Have a Giveaway Winner! Also, Small Space Storage on a Shoestring

The winner in the first ever Jewel Box® Home giveaway is Laney!  To make this completely fair, I had my 20-year-old pick the winning name randomly out of my favorite china bowl.  And I just have to share Laney's insightful, creative entry comment. 

...oh my...we would all love to have fresh flowers everyday of the year...but for many of us that is just not possible...but...we can mix real with the not so real...i have an gorgeous forever orchid in a pot with real moss from my back yard surrounding the base...and i use fern leaves from the porch easter table had fresh moss out ot the yard mixed with tiny pretend violets... everyone who comes through the door always goes to touch the flowers...there are no "nevers" in making your home beautiful and special...

When you get a chance Laney, email your contact information to me at

Thanks to everyone who participated in this Jewel Box@ giveaway.  It was such fun to hear all the opinions on fresh versus artificial flowers.  Based on my informal Jewel Box® survey, our group overwhelmingly prefer fresh!  And a quick hello to Doug, the only gentleman to leave a comment.  Click here to see Doug's blog. Thanks for joining in the fun with the ladies Doug!

Now for today's main event, here are Amber's great tips for small space storage on a shoestring.

Those of us in smaller homes know that it can often feel as if clutter will bury us alive.  That is when I covet my friends and neighbors who have ample closet space and multiple junk drawers! So I'm always on the look-out for creative, savvy and stylish storage solutions that are easy on my family's budget!  Here are a few ideas I have found helpful.

I love re-purposing items that I either already own, or can buy for pennies at a Flea Market or discount shop. It gives me a feeling of satisfaction knowing that I have snagged a bargain and what could be better than using that bargain to solve sticky storage problems.

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

This coffee table was created out of old crates and a barn door.  It's perfect for housing magazines, books and television remote controls without being fussy.

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

Using old moldings or ceiling tiles from an architectural salvage store is a fun way to create shelving for dishes and it can show off your beautiful serving pieces at the same time.  Bonus decor!

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

I know you've heard me talk about how I used old mailboxes to store my kids' art supplies and school papers.  Look at this darling catch-all solution for mail, car keys and sunglasses!  I love it.  

  Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

A birdbath in the bathroom?  Why not!  Storage for bath salts, lotions, towels and powders?  Perfect.  Whimsical.  Creative.  Right up my alley!

 Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

Baskets are my friends!  I love their handy storage-friendly space for blankets, linens and sheets.  These stack-able baskets are ideal for vertical storage.  Think how many blankets I could get in that stack!  I am always on the look out for discounted baskets at my local craft store.  Many with slight flaws are in the clearance aisle and you can get them for a steal!

 Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

I delight in re-purposing old furniture!  I have used armoires, old writing desks and hutches for anything from bookshelves to media centers to a makeshift linen closet.  (Can you tell I have a lot of linens that require storage?  I am a sucker for vintage tablecloths and they always need a home.)  Just look at this pantry made from an old cabinet.  Does your pantry look that tidy?  I know mine doesn't.

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

Instant magazine rack!  Or crayon holder, or sock drawer or towel rack or television remote container or any number of uses...

  Photo Courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens

Can't forget Rex!  My favorite re-purposed solution...old childrens' chairs fashioned into an eating center for your doggie. 

Happy weekend!

Post Title We Have a Giveaway Winner! Also, Small Space Storage on a Shoestring