Today while I am meeting many of my blogger friends and attending the Nate Show, I am also participating in a blog crawl. How is that for a busy day?
And as for the blog crawl, the idea is to introduce readers to new blogs and I am introducing you to two blogs, if you don't know of them already:

The first is Michelle from Studio Surface.
The second is Grant from Cashmere Cowboy.
The author.
Okay, I got this one, I'll make that me.
The setting.
Let's try NYC, as that is where I am right now.
The Characters.
The plot.

(Don't worry, many say to their husbands, I know them!)
Ah, not really...

Wow, one of the rare men in this crowd of design bloggers. Check these blogs out!
Also, as part of the crawl, each blogger participating will be writing on the same topic. And now it is time for a confession. I got the email reminding me of this event literally hours before I needed to leave for the airport. I somehow missed the earlier notification, in the sea of emails I get each day...and so am feeling completely unprepared to write on the below topic:
"My Life is an Open Book"
With the following areas to be included:
The Author:
The Setting:
The Characters:
The Plot:
The Twist:
The author.
Okay, I got this one, I'll make that me.
The setting.
Let's try NYC, as that is where I am right now.
The Characters.
How about Lakeitha, Jade and I, who are sharing a hotel room. And for fun let's throw in about 80 more design bloggers, Nate, a couple magazines and HGTV.
The plot.

What happens when 80 plus design bloggers get invited to NYC, with less than a week's notice, to attend a taping of The Nate Show? Well, social media shows it's power and within minutes the tweeting, emailing, and posting begins and yes, even a phone call or two are made. All asking the same questions. Are you going?!? Should I? Could I? How much is your flight? Do you have miles? What hotel has a good rate? Do you want to share a room?
Ah, not really...
It is not long before the inevitable, and possibly most important, question gets asked...what are you WEARING?!?
Then it gets even more interesting. HGTV sends out an invitation for a luncheon. I send out an email suggesting we organize a party afterwards and learn Camila has already been talking with the Nest about an after party, an event which the magazine will cover in an upcoming issue. Then Rue, a fabulous new online magazine sends out a Launch Party invite. Can it get any crazier? So you know everyone who can make the trip does...
The Twist, or as I'm calling it, The Cliff Hanger.
This part of the story involves me and one of the other special people in this story.
Sorry, but you'll have to come back later in the week to hear how this tale ends...
Post Title → Multitasking: Attending The Nate Show While Participating in a Blog Crawl