new exterior in 2010
» Lux Exterior For Your House
Lux Exterior For Your House
Elegant home designs, this design tries to highlight detail finishing the charming exterior design, look at the variation around the front window and front porch. Still rely on variations of line and texture of natural stone materials with the composition of the color gradations of gray. Provide harmony in the simplicity of the composition, creating the impression of luxury in simplicity.translatenya nih!
Rumah desain elegan, desain ini mencoba menyoroti menyelesaikan detail desain eksterior yang menawan, melihat variasi di sekitar jendela depan dan teras depan. Masih mengandalkan variasi garis dan tekstur bahan batu alam dengan komposisi gradasi warna abu-abu. Memberikan harmoni dalam kesederhanaan komposisi, menciptakan kesan mewah dalam kesederhanaan.
Post Title → Lux Exterior For Your House