
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Upon Reflection

In memory of September 11th, which also happens to be my birthday, Amber has beautifully captured the true meaning of living in a smaller home through a lovely poem by Florence Bone and a collage of stunning images.  Thank you Amber for the wonderful birthday treat!


"God send me a little home;
To come back to when we roam...

"One picture on each wall,
not many things at all.

"Wooden floors and fluted tiles;
wide windows, a view for miles

"Red firelight and deep chairs;
Small white beds upstairs.
"Great talk in little nooks;
soft colors, rows of books

"God send us a little ground;
Tall trees stand 'round.

"Homely flowers in fertile sod;
Overhead, they stars, O God.

"God bless thee when winds blow;
Our home and all we know."

~Florence Bone

Post Title Upon Reflection