
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

It was a beautiful 65 degrees here today!  I opened all the windows of my little Jewel Box® Home and let the breeze air out my little cottage.  It is such a nice feeling to turn my thoughts toward spring.  Whenever I think of springtime, my mind begins to form a little list within itself.  I immediately begin planning projects and start thinking of all the spring cleaning my little Jewel Box® needs!

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

Sometimes the thought of a large cleaning project can be overwhelming and seem too daunting.  The trick is to not let yourself get stressed about it and just do a little at a time.  The best way to start, especially in a smaller home, is to create a map and start in one corner and work your way around the entire house.  This way, there is no wasted energy from walking back and forth.  Take a basket with you and pick up misplaced objects and place it in the basket as you go!  Instead of spending an entire weekend cleaning, break up chores to one day, or one afternoon.  Schedule it in.  

Here are some helpful shortcuts to make spring cleaning and routine cleaning jobs easier in the long run!

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

Keep your kitchen in order by creating a place for everything. Store cookware and utensils near the range so they are within reach. Keep a spray bottle with a solution of one part bleach to four parts water or an all-purpose spray cleaner in the kitchen for cleaning after meals.  

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

In the bathroom, stash a spray bottle with all-in-one cleaner and an extra roll of paper towels under each sink for surface cleanups.

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

Create a cleaning center!  To make your cleaning center efficient, use baskets, bins, and caddies to store products and supplies. Also, buy a wall rack to hang brooms, mops, and dustpans in one place. Create customized cleaning and supply checklists. Post daily, weekly, and monthly chores on a small bulletin board in the cleaning center. When a product is running low, note it on the list before the next shopping trip.

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

Keep all laundry supplies together in a basket. This will save time when doing loads of laundry and will keep the laundry area tidy.

Photo Courtesy of Better Homes & Gardens

Recognize your limitations and know when to hire a professional!  Consider hiring a professional window cleaner once a year, especially if you have a two-story house or storm windows. Hire a gutter- or roof-cleaning service in late fall. Choose services that are bonded and insured, and get at least three references. Depending on your time and house size, rent the necessary carpet-cleaning equipment, or hire a service. If you are renting equipment, steam-clean all carpets at the same time to save money. When hiring a service, some companies offer discounts to clean three or more rooms. 

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be a task to last all season!  Once the house has gotten its once-over reward yourself with a cup of tea and a new bouquet of flowers to welcome the weather change!

I am soooo ready for sunny days!


Post Title Spring Cleaning!