
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Indiana Jones of Architecture

Are you "the Indiana Jones of Architecture"? Are you between the ages of 30-45, and willing to climb tall buildings in front of a camera, hosting a new gonzo-immersive reality architectural tourism show? Dangling from outside the Sears Tower, rappelling down the Washington Monument, perhaps spending a night or two camping alone somewhere deep inside the lost tunnels of the Pacific NW? All while cracking jokes, referencing Corbu, and exhibiting fantastic personality?
Get tetanus crawling through abandoned hospitals, kick rats out of the way as you haul yourself, Die Hard-style, through Los Angeles air ducts, visit vast climate-controlled ballrooms in Las Vegas and fall into bed fully dressed at 6am. Break into Fort Knox. Scale the walls of 33 Thomas Street.
I have no idea if that's what this show will really be about, to be honest – but if you're interested in hosting it, email williamwiegman via

(Spotted via @ArchitectMag, thanks to Alan Rapp!)

Post Title The Indiana Jones of Architecture